Online Dutch for Expats

Why learn Dutch as an expat when you live in a country like the Netherlands, where many people speak English? There are so many good and fun reasons to mention. But first, I would like to tell you how Online Dutch for Expatscame about.

 In fact, it (DfE) arose almost naturally from working with children from expat families.

 In fact, we have been teaching Dutch for Children (DfC) for 9 years to children around the world with an expat background: Dutch people living abroad, expats moving to the Netherlands for the first time, and expats who have been living in the Netherlands for a while and decided to stay.

 From this diverse target group, we were also regularly asked if we taught parents or young adults lessons. And so DfE was born.

 The DfE team consists of five teachers who also work for DfC. They are a perfect fit for this team because they seamlessly continue from their training and experience in teaching Dutch as a second (or third) language to adults to giving tailor-made, high-quality lessons.

 The way of working at Online Dutch for Expats is, in essence, no different from working at Dutch for Children. High-quality lessons are tailored to the student’s interests and goals, with flexibility that suits the life of an expat.

 Our teachers are only native speakers and, in addition to their training and experience, have the most up-to-date NT2 online methods available. DfE provides mainly private lessons, but group lessons are also possible. A group of up to four students is also put together based on level, goals, and interests.

 So, after a few lessons, you can also have a chat at the coffee machine at work or finally understand your neighbor a little. Or, a few weeks later, you’ll be watching a Dutch serie together with your child. If your goal is to get your Dutch to a high level, it will facilitate your chances of getting a Dutch job. In short, there are plenty of good reasons to think of.

 If you would also like to (re)start learning Dutch, I would like to invite you for an informal conversation to discuss the possibilities for you. You can reach us at

 Readers of the Holland Times can get a 5% introductory discount with the code HT-2024, valid until the end of June 2024.

 Wendy van Dalen
Founder and teacher at online Dutch for Expats