Where do you come from and where do you live in the Netherlands?
My name is Napaporn (that’s my Thai name), but you can call me May – it’s easier to pronounce. I’m from Thailand, known as the Land of Smiles. I moved to the Netherlands about a year ago, and now I live in TheHague, near the beach, which I absolutely love!
What’s your job/business?
I used to work as a full-time pet sitter, but now I do it part-time. Currently, I’m a chef assistant at Siri Thai,a Thai restaurant in Leiden. They serve a lot of amazing dishes, and I’d love to invite you all to come and try the food!
What was your first time in the Netherlands?
I moved to the Netherlands in October 2023, which also happens to be my birthday! It felt like the perfecttime to start a new chapter in life, and the Netherlands has been so kind to me – it’s truly felt like a warm welcome.
What is the nicest thing about the Netherlands?
What I love most about the Netherlands is the people. People here smile and greet each other, just like in Thailand. It makes me feel like I’m not so far from home, even though we’re actually on differentcontinents. This is my first time living abroad, and of course, there were many things I was worried andscared about. But after meeting such kind and friendly people, my fears about living in a foreign country gradually faded away.
What’s the worst thing about the Netherlands?
It’s impossible not to answer this question like everyone else: the weather. The weather here is quiteunpredictable, with several seasons in a single day, changing every fifteen minutes. It’s definitelysomething new for someone like me who comes from a tropical Asian country. However, no matter howerratic the weather gets, I’ve never fallen seriously ill. I’ve had to push myself to stay healthier, and the airhere is incredibly fresh. It’s a silver lining in the unpredictability of the weather.
Do you have Dutch friends?
Of course! I started making Dutch friends through my work as a pet sitter. They were friendly and welcoming,even though I’m a foreigner. We still keep in touch regularly, exchanging opinions, sharing our cultures, andtalking about our daily lives, just like any close friend would.
What’s do you like about Dutch people and what don’t you like?
As I mentioned earlier, I love the people here because they are friendly, kind and generous, even tostrangers. Another important thing is how much people here value caring for one another, their generosityand their straightforwardness. It’s refreshing not to have to guess someone’s emotions or intentions. Asfor things I dislike, I haven’t encountered any yet. However, if I get the chance to meet more diversegroups of people, it would be a great opportunity to get to know them and exchange perspectives.
Do you have a favourite restaurant in your city?
I often treat myself with good food, I usually go to Takumi Ramen in The Hague, near the central station. They have a variety of menu options, including spicy dishes, which I love. I also usually order a glass ofdraft beer to go with it; a little comfort after a hard day at work.
Where do you prefer to relax in your city?
I can answer this question without hesitation! I almost always go to Filmhuis Den Haag whenever I havefree time and don’t have to work. I often go there to draw – it’s the perfect place to relax, work on art, orfocus on creative projects. The atmosphere is great, peaceful, and not crowded. There are plenty of seats,the staff are lovely, the drinks are delicious, and of course, I usually order a draft beer!
What’s your favourite Dutch store?
I enjoy going to Action to buy toys for dogs or pets, and I found that they have a wide variety of products atlow prices. The quality isn’t bad, and there are many different categories of items. Plus, they have multiplelocations around the city, which makes it very convenient.
What do you like to do in the weekend?
I usually go to Scheveningen Beach almost every time I have a chance on weekends. Even when I wasdoing pet walking, I often found excuses to bring the dog there. I love the feeling of watching the seawaves crash, the sound of the atmosphere, and the tranquility when there aren’t too many peoplearound. The sea feels like a safe space for me. However, during the summer, the beach gives off arefreshing and lively vibe, so I always enjoy going there to recharge my energy.
Who is your favourite Dutch person?
Can I answer this question with “a customer who became my friend”? Of course, everyone would usuallysay Van Gogh, but after thinking it through, the first answer that came to my mind is my lovely friends instead.
What would you recommend a visitor to do and see in your city in the Netherlands?
I would recommend tourists to try hiking trails in the city, because along the way you’ll encounter historicalinformation about the places you visit, which is very interesting. Not only will you enjoy the nature, but you’ll also learn about the past and the history of the city.
What is your favourite Dutch food? And what Dutch food do you dislike?
I love appeltaart the most! To be honest, I’m not much of a fan of sweets, but the apple tart here isn’t toosweet – it has a slight tanginess that makes it refreshing. I usually eat it with tea. As for food I don’t likehere, it’s the bread used for sandwiches. It often hurts the roof of my mouth, which is a funny reason. Butin the future, I hope I’ll get used to the bread here.
Do you celebrate Dutch holidays? What is your favourite?
I love King’s Day here because the atmosphere is quite warm and lively. Everyone comes out to celebrateoutdoors. From what I’ve observed, people here often tend to stay at home and don’t often party outside. The royal family also comes out to greet people on the streets up close, which is something I can’texperience in my home country. This makes me feel impressed and excited every time.
Where do you like to go out?
I love visiting Rotterdam because it has a high level of art and blends modernity with old charm. There aremany Asian restaurants, and the food tastes great to someone like me. I also plan to visit the zoo there one day, definitely if I get the chance.
What famous Dutch place do you recommend visitors to really go and see?
A place you must visit if you come to the Netherlands is the Van Gogh Museum. It’s amazing that you cansee the works of a famous artist from the past, just a few steps away. You can enjoy his famous worksfor hours, immersing yourself in those moments. They also have cool souvenirs for sale there!
Best-kept secret in your city?
KLEUcafe + KLEURkerk is a very unique place. They offer both drinks and food, and they have a wideselection of books for you to read. The outdoor area also has a spot where people can donate clothes oritems they no longer need for those who might need them. I think it’s a great and lovely community, witha very cozy atmosphere.
Interview held by Marla Thomson